Out of the rut

Well, I seem to be pushing myself out of a rut a little bit now. I just signed up for a chiropractic visit to see if they can help me figure out what’s happening with some persistent back pain I’ve been having. Fortunately, I know a chiropractor through church, which makes me feel a bit more comfortable about the whole idea. And it’s interesting, but as much as I believe in the possibilities of alternative medicine, I’ve never actually tried any myself. And chiropracty (sp?) is not all that cutting-edge, but hey! baby steps count. Maybe next I’ll actually try some homeopathic remedies for my allergies and avoid allergy shots.

I’m still brooding over the team approach for exercise with the goal of weight loss at my club; it cost more than I realized. Maybe I could do it in January?

Unpleasant realization

Well, this morning I had the unpleasant task of facing the reality that I had gained weight; I thought I had, but this morning the scale confirmed it. It just happened this month, and I was really noticing the way my clothes were fitting.

This is actually a part of a slow, sad trend upward ever since I moved into this area. I’m not sure how to tackle the problem.

Yes, I know the simple answer: eat less, exercise more. What I mean is: how do I tackle it so that it works for me?

Premise: I try to eat in a certain way that emphasizes local, organic, minimally processed food. Not to be obsessed, because I do eat out, but that is my focus.

Premise: I need some kind of outside encouragement to keep me going, whether it be focused on the food side or exercise side. I function better that way.

So how do I do this?
I’m reluctant to use a weight loss program that forces me to focus overmuch on my food, such as Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. I don’t know that I necessarily trust what they teach. I used WDW in the past, and it worked for me, but with the somewhat weird things that the leader of this program is now doing, I find it difficult to gain the encouragement I need from it. (I’m reluctant even to link to it because I find myself unwilling to recommend it, even though the essential truth of the weight loss information is still true.) Nonetheless, that may be my first focus attempt. I believe that I can use it. However, I’m going to talk to a friend who is also struggling with weight loss to see if we might want to find some way to be accountable just to eat other.

Exercise possibilities are more varied. Personal trainer would be good, as would the team program that my health club offers (considerably cheaper than the PT, too). Also, simply pushing myself more in that area has potential, as well as trying other options such as yoga classes, etc. I have to confess that this year I’ve been lazy about exercise, not in the sense of not doing it — I’ve been quite consistent in that — but in not pushing myself. I’ve been content with being in a rut. That’s not good.

Ok, two decisions: 1) I will look into local WDW classes and see if anything is happening close by that I could join. 2) I will pursue the possibility of the team approach at the health club and see if it might work for me.

I’ll try to go by there today (if I can fit it in!).

Reflections on yesterday

There’s a double entendre there that I didn’t intend when I first wrote that title, but upon reflection it seems appropriate.

Today is Sept. 12, 2006; yesterday was the fifth anniversary of 9/11. I wanted to take a moment and think about what I felt yesterday, but the same thing is true about the yesterdays before yesterday.

The weird truth is, for me, I don’t feel that things are that different.

I can clearly remember, years ago now, reading Patriot Games by Tom Clancy. It was in that book that I ran into the realization that the US has not been immune from terrorist attacks, we’ve just been really well-guarded and/or really lucky. (Strange how fiction can affect us.) I’m not even sure that the book said that, I just remember coming to that conclusion, especially after reading it several times. So when it finally happened and we lost our strange immunity, it was shocking, but not really world-changing to me.

When people say that “the world changed” on that day, I get rather irritated. The world didn’t change — our perception of it changed. We had this strange belief in our invulnerability; we no longer believe that blindly. And we shouldn’t, because that belief was never completely real.

So yesterday, I thought for a moment about the sadness of that day, but I attended no memorial service, nor did I feel any desire to even try. Maybe one day I will want to do so, but not yet. And that movie that is about to come out about the plane that fought back — I refuse to watch it. It’s too soon.

For me, the most vivid memory of 9/11 is actually 9/12. It was surreal. I went back to work in downtown DC, sat outside during lunch, and was surrounded by incredibly beautiful weather and an amazing amount of silence. Downtown DC is never silent, with all the traffic that is constantly on these streets. But that day there were very few if any cars on the road. It was silent and beautiful and that very unreal day drove home that something terrible had happened. Not world-changing, just terrible.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21